Athena InsideOut Education Institute

General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all events of the Athena InsideOut Education Institute, (Athena InsideOut Education Institute). They regulate the contractual relationship between the participant and the Athena InsideOut Education Institute.


Registration can be made via internet and e-mail and is binding. The number of participants in thecourses is limited. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received andconfirmed by e-mail.

Athena InsideOut Education Institute membership

Athena InsideOut Education Institute members benefit from special rates on seminars, conferences and company visits. These are at least 7% off the standard price. Corporate memberships are validfor the entire corporate group. Independent of the number of employees, size of the company aswell as the company group. When booking an event, the membership is automatically checked andthe corresponding discount is deducted. Membership is valid for one calendar year and is renewedautomatically. Joining is possible at any time.

Conditions of implementation

The Athena InsideOut Education Institute reserves the right to cancel an advertised event. In thiscase, the registered persons will be refunded the seminar costs already paid or can use them foranother Athena InsideOut Education Institute event.


The price is per person and event date. Included in this amount are, in addition to the participation, the break catering and beverages as well as the event documents. The Athena InsideOut Education Institute reserves the right to replace announced speakers with others and to make necessary changes to the event program while maintaining the overall character of the event.

Course fee

Participation in the events requires payment of the participation fee. The price and exchange rate areexpressly subject to change.If more than one person from the same company attends the same seminar lasting several days, we grant a 10% discount from the 2nd participant onwards for each additional participant.

Cancellation conditions/insurance

Unless otherwise stated in the event program, the following conditions apply: In case of cancellation or rebooking later than 31 days before the start of the event, 50% will be charged and later than 15 days before the start of the event, the full participation fee will be charged. In the absence of a cancellation, the entire participation fee will be charged. We will gladly accept a substitute participant free of charge.

It is the responsibility of the participant to take out any insurance. The Athena InsideOut Education Institute does not provide any insurance benefits and cannot be held liable for damages due to force majeure such as accident, illness, death, etc. We recommend that you take out cancellation insurance with your insurance company to cover any cancellation costs.

Liability for personal injury and property damage during the direct teaching event as well as for fringe events organized by the Athena InsideOut Education Institute, with the exception of damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence, is expressly excluded.


We send out various newsletters at regular intervals, for example to provide information about various seminars and events. Our newsletters are only sent to customers who have expressly registered for them or have attended one of our events.

Should you no longer wish to receive newsletters at a later date, you can inform us of this at any time with effect for the future. We will then stop sending you the newsletter. The objection can be made to the contact option shown below. Furthermore, each newsletter contains an unsubscribe link at theend of the e-mail, which you can also use to unsubscribe.

Newsletter data such as e-mail address, title, surname, first name, postal code, city and country aswell as company address and function are transmitted to our service provider clever reach, through which we send the newsletters, but which does not transmit or pass on this data to third parties.

Place of jurisdiction

The general terms and conditions of the Athena InsideOut Education Institute-Zentrum für Unternehmensführung AG are subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Zurich

Bank details;
PostFinance AG
CT Inbound
Eternitstrasse 3 A
8870 Niederurnen PF

Account: 15-888415-0
IBAN: CH57 0900 0000 1588 8415 0

InsideOut Education, inh. Junod
Büchelring 17
8134 Adliswil

InsideOut Education, inh. Junod
Büchelring 17
CH-8134 Thalwil ZH, Switzerland
Phone: +41 79 904 7411

Simone Junod
Firmennummer: CH-
UID:CHE - 364.905.135